- 25 Stratagems available to any Battle-forged Harlequins army as found in Codex: Harlequins, along with 3 Stratagems – Command Re-roll, Counter-Offensive and Insane Bravery – from the Warhammer 40,000 rules, available to any army;
- 7 Psychic Powers; 6 from the Phantasmancy Discipline, along with Smite;
- 36 Tactical Objectives, including the 6 specific Tactical Objectives from Codex: Harlequins.
- 7 Psychic Powers; 6 from the Phantasmancy Discipline, along with Smite;
- 36 Tactical Objectives, including the 6 specific Tactical Objectives from Codex: Harlequins.